Friday, June 11, 2010

A point about the re-establishment of Israel

I do not share my personal point of view on the State. But regarding whether it might have been right to establish one in some way, I found these facts that I have not heard related to the question.

The conquerors of the Kingdom of Israel 2700 or so years ago were the Babylonians and Assyrians who scattered ten of the tribes of the Kingdom of Israel. The descendants of the Babylonians and Assyrians live in what are today Syria, Iraq, Israel, Lebanon, and Jordan. The Romans conquered it about 2000 years ago. The Persians invaded about 1400 years ago and further disintegrated the country. Between 1400 and 900 years ago Muslims oppressed and scattered the community. Muslims were somewhat kinder to them after that point. About 100 years ago a European group regained control of Israel and began allowing Jewish people to resettle it. Muhammad told His followers  'Say not to every one who meeteth you with a greeting, "Thou art not a believer."' so He probably did not approve of His followers oppression of the Jewish nation.

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