Saturday, June 12, 2010

What to pray for

Hello. I have been thinking lately about what to pray for. I went to an excellent youth retreat two weekends ago and started doing two things afterwards: praying for humanity and praying to be able to be of service myself. We do not know any little green men yet, and the world would be fine if humanity treated it fine, so that is the apex of what we can pray for. Everything else, I think, has to be done in context with that. Are you praying for good things for one group of people, but not another? Granted there are groups we need to focus on, such as our family, community, nation, etc., because we are working in them, but we cannot forget the whole and the role of our work within it. All other aspects of life can also be put in terms of the universal betterment of humankind, as much as we understand that. If we are praying for particular things people need, are we taking their whole well-being into account? It is possible to lose track. It also helps us develop a world consciousness. On the personal level, if you are not putting service first, how can you be sure anything else you are doing is right? If you lose a job and start immediately thinking about getting another one, you might miss that you have a golden opportunity to think about serving someplace else or doing something else. And it is happy to be trying to be on track.

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