Saturday, February 20, 2010

Earning God's grace

In struggling to gain the focus to do homework today I thought a fair amount about the phrase "True reliance is for the servant to pursue his profession and calling in this world, to hold fast unto the Lord, to seek naught but His grace, inasmuch as in His Hands is the destiny of all His servants." [1] and even more about the idea of earning the right to pray (I realize now ask would be a better word) for forgiveness for ones' parents (for different reasons). [2] I came to the conclusion that in these days of the beginning of human development the glory of a person is to earn their living, as struggling for existence is the glory of the animal kingdom, and that in our spiritual lives everything can be accounted for as either working to earn one's wealth by deeds, service, and promoting the Cause, as Baha'u'llah said we are led to accept Him through some deed we have performed [3], and "spending" what we earn by asking for things for ourselves and others in prayer, as Shoghi Effendi indicated we can do for our parents.
Thinking about it more, I think anything we do that advances humanity must be a smaller or larger part of the singular work God desires for us to do, and therefore is what He will proportionately reward us for working to make that end happen [4], and receiving the things we ask for will take proportionally more of what we have earned in proportion to the magnitude of what we have asked for from the Lord of all men. I think it's helpful to remember in this regard the tips 'Abdu'l-Bahá gave to people who did the simplest services for Him - exemplifying God's Generosity.

Indeed none but a few of the existing generation hath yet earned the merit of hearkening unto the warblings of the doves of the all-highest Paradise.

Bahá'u'lláh, Tablets of Baha'u'llah, p. 57


[1] Bahá'u'lláh, Tablets of Baha'u'llah, p. 155

[2] He was sorry to hear that Mrs. ... is in an unhappy state of mind. She should certainly not grieve if she finds that her family are not receptive to the teachings -- for not every soul is spiritually enlightened. Indeed, many members of the families of the Prophets themselves have remained unconverted even in face of the example and persuasion of the Manifestation of God; therefore, the friends should not be distressed by such things but rather leave the future of those they love in the hand of God, and by their services and devotion to the Faith, win the right to plead for their spiritual re-birth.

Shoghi Effendi, Lights of Guidance, 744, p. 223

[2] The Dawn-Breakers, p. 586

[4] Bahá'u'lláh, Tablets of Bahá'u'lláh, p. 153

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