Monday, March 29, 2010

Further thoughts about God

I wrote to a friend about this blog which prompted me to think back to some of my thoughts here, which I feel it will be useful for me to again work through in writing.

A recent thought is that there must be an original, powerful, cause, and it must be the only and original cause for anything else to have been caused by it since it possesses all of the potentialities of all other things. It must also be eternal because only It could affect It and being all that is It would have no reason to harm Itself. It could not be imperfect and therefore could not die because there could be no imperfections in relation to Itself. It could also never be worn out because It would do only what It pleased and nothing could do anything that was not within Its will and He would know what He created His servants capable of and would not give them the ability to meaningfully affect Him; this must especially be true as all of His creations rely upon Him for the furtherance of their lives as they could not accomplish anything unless He gave them the power to initially or helped them to attain it later on. He could give no part of His creation the ability to hurt Him because He would not jeopordize existence by giving any of His creatures the ability to hurt Him. He must also be aware of the potentialities of all created things as He must possess them Himself in order to have created them in others.

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