Tuesday, May 25, 2010

An update on my life

This post is mostly for you Andrea, since I know you liked my past personal posts.
I have been wondering lately why I have been getting myself into more and more trouble in the last few months. I know I have been doing good with the Writings and in trying to teach and figure out how to build better friendships with people. I realized tonight why: all of my development as a Baha'i up to this point has been about undoing everything I knew as a kid that was wrong while relying on what little I knew was right. I did not get very much done, and now that I think about it in some ways got in more trouble on occasions, but it was less frequent because I was so inwardly focused. I have now worked through enough of that that I am thinking more and much more about what to do now: what I need to be doing with my life and what is right to do. Obviously, jumping into that field of endeavor without any past experience to guide me has not always gone well.

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