Thursday, June 24, 2010

BOOM! There goes culturalism, nationalism, racism, and all other stereotypes...

This study:

Shows that people are pre-programmed for morality from our earliest years.

Combined with this fact:

In a study, Kuhl sought to determine at exactly what age children's brains are being connected to learn language. She exposed infants to a "Ra" sound, and trained them to turn their heads when it changed to "La" American and Japanese children recognized the difference between "Ra" and "La" at the age of six months. When Kuhl repeated the experiment six months later, the Japanese children no longer could do so. She theorizes that between the ages of six and twelve months they had been exposed to Japanese, a language that doesn't distinguish between "Ra" and "La," so their brains had simply discarded the neural connections that had earlier helped them tell the two apart.

So we are pre-wired with the capacities for certain things, obviously some more strongly because of evolutionary differences, but the basic foundation of our being is patternable to any culture, moral code, or sense of identity thereafter.

Oh, and educate your children. It makes as much as sense as breathing.

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