Saturday, June 26, 2010

Human development, the period of infancy, and the development of man

I have noticed that many people seem to have a conscious direction to their small movements, such as gestures, eye-movement, and facial expressions, in degrees that others do not and those who did were especially spiritual, or in other words better educated and trained.
I noticed this increasingly in myself when praying and other times when there would be moments when I felt completely in control of myself, and then some impulse dragged me off and said 'I HAVE to do this, one moment of which I noticed this evening. After a nap while waking up the thought came to me while thinking about some of the levels of development of order in the universe that that is exactly the work that babies are learning to do: develop conscious knowledge of reality as the first step of building the first step of a thought that will then then transfer, as described by 'Abdu'l-Bahá, through:

KNOWLEDGE. Man must attain the knowledge of God.
TRUTHFULNESS. Truthfulness is the foundation of all the virtues of the world of humanity. Without truthfulness, progress and success in all of the worlds of God are impossible for a soul. When this holy attribute is established in man, all the divine qualities will also become realized.
UPRIGHTNESS. And this is one of the greatest divine attainments.
FIDELITY. This is also a beautiful trait of the heavenly man.
EVANESCENCE or Humility. That is to say, man must become evanescent in God. Must forget his own selfish conditions that he may thus arise to the station of sacrifice. It should be to such a degree that if he sleep, it should not be for pleasure, but to rest the body in order to do better, to speak better, to explain more beautifully, to serve the servants of God and to prove the truths. When he remains awake, he should seek to be attentive, serve the Cause of God and sacrifice his own stations for those of God. When he attains to this station, the confirmations of the Holy Spirit will surely reach him, and man with this power can withstand all who inhabit the earth.

This development is echoed throughout the Writings, corresponding to the Seven Valleys, one of the lists of the principles of Bahá'u'lláh's Revelation giving seven in a sequential order, and others.

It is useful to note in this connection that Bahá'u'lláh said:

"Much hath been written in the books of old concerning the various stages in the development of the soul, such as concupiscence, irascibility, inspiration, benevolence, contentment, Divine good-pleasure, and the like; the Pen of the Most High, however, is disinclined to dwell upon them. Every soul that walketh humbly with its God, in this Day, and cleaveth unto Him, shall find itself invested with the honor and glory of all goodly names and stations."
Gleanings from the Writings of Bahá'u'lláh, p. 159

And that the Báb said:

"Likewise continue thou to ascend through one Revelation after another, knowing that thy progress in the Knowledge of God shall never come to an end, even as it can have no beginning."
Selections from the Writings of the Báb, p. 91

As a side note, I believe what He is saying here is that the Knowledge of God can have no beginning, and is therefore also eternal, not us and the amount of it that we have.

So how do we have grown people going back to and spending moments functioning exactly as babies do and gaining new knowledge of Reality? This is the kicker! A child can do NO MORE than that amount of development at that time in its life, but as it grows it gains the CAPACITY to build up that knowledge through the phases described in the Writings, as 'Abdu'l-Bahá said "when the child hath reached the age where he can make distinctions, let him be placed in a Bahá'í school", but as it grows it can also have information that is not based on knowledge, or what Bahá'u'lláh refers to as satanic knowledge, added. This comes from untruths, supersitions, the blind imitation of traditions, etc. This is the knowledge referred to by Him in this verse: "When a true seeker determineth to take the step of search in the path leading unto the knowledge of the Ancient of Days, he must, before all else, cleanse his heart, which is the seat of the revelation of the inner mysteries of God, from the obscuring dust of all acquired knowledge, and the allusions of the embodiments of satanic fancy." And when we remove this knowledge, the capacity to acquire the knowledge we did not obtain as infants, and therefore all of the development with that knowledge into a capacity to serve God, becomes possible!
This is where the necessity for the investigation of truth comes into play, the imperative for contemplation, reflection, meditation, and the like, to gain and develop upon new knowledge. The best way to develop this knowledge is by reflecting upon subjects from which one can learn a great deal; a baby learns most from the facial expressions of the people around it and the voices it hears. This is a place we can learn from as well, as Bahá'u'lláh said: "he who wishes to commune with God, let him betake himself to the companionship of His loved ones." But above all we can find human truth, the highest and most complex truth which contains all of the complexities of creation that have gone into making it, is found in the thoughts and thus the words of others, and some people have more of these than others. Wherever you think you can find human truth, seek it out and listen to it, you will at the least, if you find it wrong, be stimulated to think about what you think must be true. Many people have found great truth in the scriptures of the great Religions; and what harm could come from reading them?
And what are these knowledges that we have the capacity to develop? As one of my previous posts provided a link to, infants have been found, no matter what their parents have done with them, to have an innate sense at the very least of helpfulness, sharing, kindness, and justice. They know what to expect rationally from the universe and the behavior of other people. Saints have all of those virtues and all of the others we associate with people who have made great attainments in the fields of human endeavor. There does not seem to be any difference in the quality of them, so they must come from the same basis of possibility and be formed in response to developmental influences in the same manner. This knowledge is the knowledge of what it means to be human, or as some philosophers have found by noticing that all of the capacities that man can develop are those that must be possessed by an Eternal, Almighty creator that created and sustains creation. It must be Selfless, we can be selfless, It must Love, we can love, It must be Just, we can be just, It must be Powerful, we can be powerful, It must be Forgiving, we can be forgiving, It must be Bountiful, we can be bountiful, It must be Merciful, we can be merciful, It must be Kind, we can be kind, It must be Good, we can be good, It must be Grand, we can be grand, and so on: investigate the universe!
But more importantly, what keeps us going on this path of development? If you have an egg and leave it do nothing, no chicken will come from it. If you plant a seed and do not water it, no plant will come of it. So how have human beings developed the capacity to be like God we see in him? It cannot have been through his own agency, because he did not create himself. He must have been and must need an educator. From here I suggest you read the description of 'Abdu'l-Bahá's of man's need for an educator, which can be found here:

And this verse of Bahá'u'lláh's:

"In the name of God, the One, the Incomparable, the All-Powerful, the All-Knowing, the All-Wise.

Praise be to God, the Eternal that perisheth not, the Everlasting that declineth not, the Self-Subsisting that altereth not. He it is Who is transcendent in His sovereignty, Who is manifest through His signs, and is hidden through His mysteries. He it is at Whose bidding the standard of the Most Exalted Word hath been lifted up in the world of creation, and the banner of "He doeth whatsoever He willeth" raised amidst all peoples. He it is Who hath revealed His Cause for the guidance of His creatures, and sent down His verses to demonstrate His Proof and His Testimony, and embellished the preface of the Book of Man with the ornament of utterance through His saying: "The God of Mercy hath taught the Qur'án, hath created man, and taught him articulate speech." No God is there but Him, the One, the Peerless, the Powerful, the Mighty, the Beneficent."
Epistle to the Son of the Wolf, Pg. 1

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